Facility Use Policy


AIDT has established a Public Service (Facility Use) Policy making available in-kind (non-monetary) auxiliary services to Alabama business and industries in support of their training or economic development efforts. Building and mobile unit facilities can be approved for use by others when training facilities are available and uncommitted to traditional training programs for AIDT’s normal customer base. First priority is to allocate agency facility resources to business and industry customers who are creating new jobs. AIDT needs shall supersede all others; the service may be canceled with five (5) working day’s notice.

The temporary use of AIDT facility resources by others shall be compatible with the mission, philosophy, functions, objectives, and integrity of AIDT.

The policy is created to comply with State Board of Education policy. Activities are coordinated through the appropriate AIDT staff person. Complete and return the Agreement Conditions form. A group may complete one Agreement for each fiscal year and provide supplements for each different activity. The Agreement is a permanent AIDT record entered into the database and filed in the Montgomery office.


AIDT is an equal opportunity employer. It is the policy of AIDT to provide equal opportunity for employment and advancement to all applicants and employees without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital status, or gender, as provided in Federal and State law. All groups using an AIDT facility resource must agree in writing to comply to each area of the laws above including the Americans with Disabilities Act, specifically providing reasonable accommodations for the disabled.

AIDT policy will not tolerate harassment by any participants in any activity on property leased or owned by AIDT. Harassment includes slurs, jokes, or other verbal, graphic, or physical conduct relating to an individual’s race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, or disability. Harassment also includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, graphic, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

AIDT facilities or other resources cannot be made available to private consultants, individuals, or firms resulting in a profit for the private business. Soliciting and vendor sales are a prohibited activity on AIDT property. The Alabama Ethics law, “Section 36-25-5(c), prohibits the use of equipment, facilities, time, materials, human labor or other public property for his or her personal or business gain; Section 36-25-5(d), all persons are prohibited from soliciting public officials and public employees to use equipment, facilities, time, materials, human labor, or other public property for their private gain. Public employees may not solicit a thing of value from any subordinate or person or business with whom he or she directly inspects, regulates, or supervises in his or her official capacity.”

Each group must provide a specific description of the activity being sponsored. Political, religious, gambling, illegal games of chance, or social groups cannot use facilities.

The user may be required to provide adequate liability insurance prior to the activity naming AIDT as an ‘additional insured’. The user hereby agrees to indemnify and hold AIDT harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, claim, damage, cost, and expense, including court costs and attorneys’ fees (whether or not litigation be commenced) of whatever nature or type that AIDT may hereinafter suffer, incur, be put to pay or layout by reason of users’ failure to make the activity or facility in compliance to all applicable local, State, and Federal rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes, and conditions identified in this agreement.

AIDT reserves the right to remove from its facilities any person or group who is committing any act tending to interfere with the normal orderly, peaceful, or efficient conduct or activities of such facility and in the event safety or security are at risk.

Firearms are prohibited in AIDT facilities, with the exception of law enforcement staff.

This is a tobacco free facility. Smoking is prohibited in the buildings and on the grounds. Smoking is only allowed in personal vehicles.

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited by AIDT on any property owned, leased, or controlled by AIDT or during any activity conducted, sponsored, or authorized by or on behalf of AIDT. A “controlled substance” shall include any substance defined as a controlled substance in Section 102 of the Federal Controlled Substance Act (21 U. S. Code 802) or in the Alabama Uniform Controlled Substance Act (Code of Alabama, Section 20-2-1, et seq.). Specifically, alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the facility, on the grounds and in the parking areas.

The AIDT name cannot be used in conjunction with any activity without the prior written approval of the Director. AIDT shall not permit the use of its name in any announcement, advertisement, publication, or report if such use in any way implies institutional endorsement of any person, product, service or activity.

Participants are not allowed to bring minor age children to activities. No animals or pets are allowed except for guide dogs for the disabled.

Facility users are responsible for leaving the facility in good order, clean, and trash-free, including removing all user-owned property brought to the facility. If you rearrange the tables and chairs, please move them back (the way they were) before you leave. You may not tape anything to the inside of the doors or windows. Signage may be taped to the outside only.

User may be held responsible for the replacement value of equipment, furniture, etc. broken or missing through their negligence. The user is responsible for locking and securing resources from theft or damages and providing a safe environment. User is to immediately report to AIDT safety, security, or maintenance concerns or problems experienced during their occupancy.

Room requests may not be submitted more than four weeks prior to the event date.