
Here are some testimonials from our clients:

The Maritime training center has contributed everything to my entry and advancement in the skilled trade field of metal fabricating and welding. Since my first class at AIDT ive been able to provide emloyers with the skills they are looking for structurally.

In this last pipe class i appreciated the diversity among instructors and i learned alot from each of them. The real world demands what Robert Skelton expects from you in this class as far as technique, regardless of how others may have felt about him in the class. Meeting his expectations on the V groove lates better prepared me for the complexity of the 6g pipe.

Now that i feel more confident on pipe processes i plan to do as you suggested in our last night of class and get in the restricted box next class. In preparing for a career at ingalls or anywhere for that matter.
I look forward to continuing my attempt at mastery and continue my road to pipe welder journeyman in febuary.
Thanks for all your time and having this training available for me and others, it has paid off alot so far for me. This has become my niche and i plan to stick with it for my career.
Thanks again, i thoroughly enjoyed the class and found it and the instructors very helpful.
Posted By: Justin Hester
First, I would like to thank each and everyone that shared this life changing event with me. Who have giving me the knowledge to better my life. It has been such a great experience that I will never forget. I appreciate the opportunity that had been giving to me. This has been a life changing career for me.
This class helped me become more aware of my weaknesses and also gave me tools to strengthen them. As a welder/ship fitter. I recommend this course to all that is looking for a better future and career for there family. Its teaching helped me understand knowledge, skills and abilities sufficient to layout, fabricate and assemble various metal, this includes cutting and shaping of parts etc. The class is a lot of work, but it's totally worth it." This class taught me skill and put it into practice. It is very useful for students transitioning from college to the working world.
“Before this class, I wasn't even aware of my skills and the ability to learn a trade of such.
"With the help of all the instructors at AIDT Maritime Training, I became more knowledgeable and confident in what I’ve learned. The materials presented in the course were very useful and gave me and sense of directions in the way that would be beneficial for me in my life. Again, I would like to say thank you for being such an inspirational to my life.
Posted By: Jacquelyn Johnson
I wanted to send this to let you know that I really appreciate you allowing me into this class
I've learned so much and enjoyed every minuet of it
Thank you again for the chance and I will be coming back for more classes
Posted By: Kaylla Waltman
Former Student
Hello, I am taking the time to write this email because I wanted to express my feelings about my AIDT program. It was beyond awesome, I do not know any other training facility that you could attend for 15 weeks and be able to come out making more than double minimum wage and its free all you have to so is show up. I feel the people that didn't get a job didn't push theirselves hard enough and didn't take the opportunity to advance their skills. I noticed people tried harder in the last two weeks but it was too late. David, Sykes and myself spent our own time trying to help them and they would listen but as soon as you walk away they would go back to bad habits. The point I am trying to get across is I feel y'all should have a deadline, for instance night class is 15 weeks and I feel if they do not show improvement by week 12 I feel that they should be asked to leave the class because they are wasting time, money, material and they are told the same thing over and over again but still don't improve or try to improve. That is my only input that I would have. Welding isn't for everyone, if you don't get it, you don't get it but I loved the class, all the instructors and I am looking forward to seeing you again in the future to advance my skills.
Thank you for the opportunities,
Posted By: Danny "Deejay" Marshall
Former Student
I just want to send you my gratitude for you running a great program at AIDT and for teaching me the basics of welding and changing my life to where I am wanted in my field as a welder and if it wasn't for people like you and every one at AIDT I would still be working a dead in job barely getting by.
I just can't thank y'all enough.
Posted By: David Stephen Anthony
Former Student

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Maritime Training Center

360 Addsco Road, Mobile, AL 36602
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We are an NCCER accredited training unit under the Gulf State Shipbuilders Consortium and a member of the American Welding Society.
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About Us


The Maritime Training Center was designed to meet the growing demand for industrial-related training for the sourthern region of Alabama, and provide job seekers with the qualifications and skills needed to join the growing maritime-related industries.