Thursday, 15 September 2016 09:58

Maritime Instructor Receives AWS Award

On September 8, 2016, Maritime's Daytime Instructor, Troy Cochran, was awarded "Instructor of the Year" by the AWS District 9 Mobile Section.  He is pictured here receiving his plaque from Gary Williams, Chairman of the AWS Mobile Section. We want to congratulate Troy on a job well done.

Published in News

AIDT's Maritime Training Center has a full slate of training classes that start in late summer early fall.  Registration for all classes is open now.

Published in News
Wednesday, 11 September 2013 08:27

OSHA 10-hour Maritime

The course has been designed for all people working in the Maritime Industry who either want to learn more about workplace safety and health hazard recognition . Special emphasis have been placed on those areas in the Maritime industry that are the most hazardous, using the OSHA 29 CFR 1915; 1917; and 1918 standards as a resource. Topics covered in this course include:

  • Introduction to OSHA
  • Walking and Working Surfaces
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Fall Protection/Scaffolding
  • Electrical
  • Confined and Enclosed Spaces
Published in Safety Courses
Sunday, 03 February 2013 18:00

Career Fair at AIDT Maritime Training Center

The AIDT Maritime Training Center recently hosted it's very first Career Fair. With almost a dozen local maritime and construction businesses on hand seeking employees, hundreds of people showed up for the day long event.  WKRG and FOX News 10 were both on hand to cover the story.

Click link for news coverage at FOX10

Published in News


Press Releases

Contact Us


Maritime Training Center

360 Addsco Road, Mobile, AL 36602
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We are an NCCER accredited training unit under the Gulf State Shipbuilders Consortium and a member of the American Welding Society.
aws-logoNCCER 150px

About Us


The Maritime Training Center was designed to meet the growing demand for industrial-related training for the sourthern region of Alabama, and provide job seekers with the qualifications and skills needed to join the growing maritime-related industries.