Maritime Industry Courses, designed for clients who desire additional training for their employees in the martime industry.
Sub-categoriesNCCER Core Curriculum (1) NCCER Core Curriculum is a competency based, industry recognized program for career and technical education. If you complete the NCCER Core Curriculum, you can apply for Structural Fitting or Structural Welding and be accepted upon verificaton of your credentials.
| Computer Aided Drafting (5) Work with design programs used within the maritime industry, such as AutoCAD and ShipConstructor.
| NCCER Pipefitting (1) Learn how to install and repair both high and low pressure pipe systems using NCCER Pipefitting curriculum.
| Safety (6) Learn how to safely operate a variety of industry used machines, such as a aerial lift, forklift, and overhead crane .
| NCCER GTAW (TIG) and SMAW Welding (3) Learn GTAW (TIG) and SMAW using NCCER curriculum.
| NCCER Structural Fitting & Structural Welding (1) Learn about cutting and burning processes, preparing base metal for welding, how to judge weld quality, SMAW, and proper fitting and inspection procedures.
| Maritime Foundations (1) Learn the basics of math, measurement, and metrics.
| NCCER Introduction to the Maritime Industry (1) Learn the basics of the Maritime Industry