8 Graduate from Maritime Foundations Class

Friday, 16 June 2017 11:03

Career Center and AIDT partner to train employees for maritime industry

The Bay Minette Career Center partnered with Alabama Industrial Development Training (AIDT) to host a Maritime Foundations Class for Baldwin County resident. The class is also offered in Mobile County, but the need was there to offer it in other locations for those unable to travel to Mobile. The Career Center offered multiple schedules to accommodate different work schedules. Eight people completed the class and received their certificates.

According to Career Center Manager Vivian Havel, “We are very proud of these graduates. Hopefully, they will be able to continue with other AIDT courses and begin careers in the Maritime Industry. This was a great opportunity for our center to partner with AIDT to meet workforce needs in our community.”

The class is designed to review and improve math and measurement skills as well as soft skills needed to enter other AIDT courses such as the Maritime Welding Class. Two of these graduates are already enrolled in the July welding class.

For more information contact the Bay Minette Career Center at 251.937.4161 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Maritime Training Center

360 Addsco Road, Mobile, AL 36602
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We are an NCCER accredited training unit under the Gulf State Shipbuilders Consortium and a member of the American Welding Society.
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About Us


The Maritime Training Center was designed to meet the growing demand for industrial-related training for the sourthern region of Alabama, and provide job seekers with the qualifications and skills needed to join the growing maritime-related industries.